Acne is a problem for almost 80% of teenagers (boys and girls) during puberty from 12-24 years.
Most often, acne also affects in adulthood. Many adults often suffer acne. 8% of the population has acne until 34 years old and 3% up to 44 years old.
The term "Acne" refers to acne (acne vulgaris), chronic recurrent multifactorial disease of the oil-rich hair follicles.
It is essential to get acne treated because while acne is usually temporary, acne scarring can be permanent. The greater the inflammation, the greater the likelihood of permanent acne scarring. The destruction of the surrounding dermal tissue by excessive inflammation results in the formation of atrophic scars which basically look like depressions in the skin.
Approximately 2% of people develop severe nodular and phlegmonous forms of acne with the formation of atrophic and hypertrophic scars, hyperpigmentation foci and stagnant spots, telangiectasias. These and other consequences of acne have been combined under the term "post-acne."
Most often, even in mild forms, acne and post-acne cause psycho-emotional discomfort and psychosocial inadaptability.
Acne can be caused by several factors, including hereditary hyperandrogenism, expressed as an increase in the number of hormones or an increase in the sensitivity of the receptors to the normal number of androgens.
Against the background of hormonal imbalance, hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands occurs, as well as follicular hyperkeratosis in the duct of the oil-hair follicle. In turn, increased secretion of sebum and stagnation in the duct of the oily-hair follicle provoke bacterial contamination, which leads to an inflammatory process.
The manifestation of acne is a serious disease.
It is important to treat acne lesions as soon as they appear! Do not pick at your pimples, as picking can aggravate the inflammation and increase your chances of acne scarring. Be sure to get a good acne spot treatment gel on standby to tackle those annoying zits as soon as they appear.
Currently, the market offers a huge amount of acne treatments and methods. Cosmetologists and aesthetists includes procedures for physiotherapy and physical therapy, such as phototherapy, ultrasound, microcurrent and microwave therapy.
Beauticians use mesotherapy, chemical peels and bio revitalization.
Although there are so many products on the market to treat acne most of the Over the counter (OTC) medications fail to produce the right result.
We offer scientifically based proven practices and methods to treat satisfactory the acne.
First, we define the goals of acne therapy: skin rehabilitation, restoration of its barrier properties and antibacterial protection systems, as well as exfoliation of the thickened stratum corneum with subsequent normalization of keratinization and sebum evacuation.
The complex use of drugs and methods for treating acne should bring the normalization of skin bioflora, the elimination of hyperkeratosis and the restoration of physiological functional keratinization. At the same time, we must achieve a resolution of acne elements without pathological scarring and post-inflammatory pigmentation.
Consider Mesotherapy, as one of the most effective method of dermatology and cosmetology for dealing with manifestations of acne at different stages. Mesotherapy procedures with the use of specialized drugs can be effective in the presence of pimples, acne, elements without purulent contents, as well as in case of post-acne manifestation in the form of atrophic scars, hyperpigmentation, and stagnant spots.
Note that the presence of purulent contents is a contraindication for mesotherapy and cosmetic procedures.
The use of specific procedures and preparations of mesotherapy has the following objectives:
• eliminate hyperkeratosis;
• immunocorrection and suppression of inflammatory processes;
• stabilization of sebum secretion;
• normalization the proper functioning and regeneration of skin cells;
• specific physiotherapy procedures for post-acne elimination.
Preparations and cocktails of mesotherapy aimed at combating acne include trace elements (sulfur, zinc, germanium, etc.), vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, ascorbic acid), amino acids (lysine).
The symbiosis of a combination of methods and drugs contributes to the achievement of these goals. But first, consider the effect of individual components. And trace the effect of their combined use.
Pantothenic acid is a component of coenzyme A and is involved in carbohydrate and fat metabolism, in the synthesis of acetylcholine, etc.
Pantothenic acid stimulates the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, normalizes cellular metabolism, accelerates mitosis and increases the strength of collagen fibers.
Arginine is one of the key enzymes of anti-inflammatory and vasodilatation action.
Cysteine has the properties of a powerful antioxidant and has an immunostimulating effect through the activation of leukocytes and lymphocytes.
Lysine causes antiviral action, stimulates the immune system.
Methionine reduces the deposition of neutral fat, increases the synthesis of choline, lecithin and other phospholipids, normalizes lipid metabolism.
Zinc indirectly inhibits the action of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase, which leads to a decrease in the sensitivity of androgen-dependent receptors. However, zinc regulates sebum secretion and plays an important role in stimulating skin regeneration.
Sulfur has antimicrobial properties. But at the same time, it has a direct effect on the synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione and the normalization of keratosis.
Cobalt is involved in the synthesis of intracellular anti-inflammatory enzymes, including superoxide dismutase.
Organic silicon (Si) potentiates the action of other trace elements in the preparation.
To improve microcirculation, metabolism, strengthen the walls of capillaries, ginkgo-biloba extract and vitamin C are used.
Ruthin inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces capillary permeability, improves blood circulation, provides drainage action, prevents the appearance of hyperpigmentation foci and stagnant spots.
Containing all the listed ingredients there is Acne-Pro / PURE SKIN cocktail.
Mesotherapy treatment usually consists of 5-7 sessions, 1 session every 7 days. For each patient, the treatment is customized.
In some cases, cryotherapy may be used to supplement or serve as an alternative to mesotherapy, which is prescribed for acne papulopustular rashes.
The cryotherapy procedure has anti-inflammatory and drying effect, reduces sebaceous excretions and promotes the resorption of infiltrates. Cold exposure leads to a narrowing of the blood vessels and reduces redness of the skin.
But cryo-devices are bulky, expensive and not safe.
Instead of cryotherapy there is an option, the ICE MASK® (made by a Swiss Company). We have that products: ICE MASK 60 ML + 6 MASOK products, ICE MASK 125 ML. + 18 MASK, LIQUID ICE MASK.
The safe application of coolant to non-woven masks will allow to achieve the full effect of cryotherapeutic in any conditions and in a safe way.
The methods and drugs given in this article will effectively combat the manifestations of acne at any age, exerting a preventive effect on possible post-acne effects.
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