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Indirect lipolitics. CELLU PRO. Extracts of Centella Asiatic, Ivy, Ficus and Ginkgo Biloba.

Indirect lipolitics. CELLU PRO. Extracts of Centella Asiatic, Ivy, Ficus and Ginkgo Biloba.              


In the Internet A lot of different recipes for getting rid of excess volumes and fat. Someone advises exercise. Others insist on diets. Still others remember or invent folk recipes. Many scientific and popular articles tell about the wonderful properties of new inventions designed to make mankind happy.


And in place of this there are a lot of interesting and at the same time, simple materials, where based on natural components excellent effective technologies are described. We propose to consider an interesting composition of natural extracts, each of which is a storehouse of useful elements. And together they form the brightest bouquet of wonderful properties.

We present to your attention the composition of the extracts Centella Asiatic, Ivy, Ficus and Ginkgo Biloba, indirect lipolytic.But in the beginning for a general acquaintance, let us briefly dwell on each of the ingredients, describing its composition and basic properties.

Centella Asiatica also known as Gotu Kola, is a creeping perennial herbaceous flowering plant. A common habitat of about catching the territory from Southeast Asia to Madagascar. Due to the richest composition since ancient times, it is included in many folk remedies of the Asian and North African peoples. Scientific studies of Chinese, Indian, Japanese scientists have shown the effectiveness of Centella preparations for violations of the trophism of the tissues of the organs of the eye, small pelvis, and also problems of veins and many skin diseases.

The extract of Centella contains a huge complex of biologically active substances: saponins (24%), madecassosid (34%), derivatives of triterpene acids, derivatives of R1-barrigenol, polyacetylene compounds , glycosides, flavonoids (rutin, kaempferol, quercetin, anthocyanins) , tannins, Rosmarinus acid, centellin, centelucine, phenolic acids, chlorogens and izohlorogens acids, minerals (iron, potassium, copper, zinc, calcium, tension s, manganese, magnesium, cobalt), chlorophyll, vitamins (A, C), essential oil (0.1%), starch, thymine, asparagine, izoginetin. If something is missed, then we apologize.

 Centella extract is used in anti-aging cosmetics's lines.The presence of glycosides and flavonoids contributes to the protection of skin cells and an increase in collagen synthesis in the deep layers of the skin up to 30%. Returns moisture and elasticity of the skin. Madecassosid activates epithelization after peeling and smooths the skin surface.


On the basis of Gotu Kola, popular tools have been created to eliminate scars after operations, stretch marks, burns, acne, and various skin lesions.

The components of the extract of Centella have anti-inflammatory, healing, firming, including the walls of blood vessels, and regenerating action.

Contraindications to use are minimized - in exceptional cases of individual intolerance.

Ivy extract. Ivy is an evergreen lianoid plant belonging to the Araliaceae family.

Leaves and pineapple, saturated with moisture and sunshine of the southern territories, are rich in vitamins A, E, C, B group, flavonoids, essential oils. The extract contains saponins and tannins, organic acids and glycosides, steroids and coumarin, mineral salts, which contain trace elements, iodine compounds.

The ingredients determine many of the beneficial properties of the extract. For example, Flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory, healing effect. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. B vitamins have pronounced immunoprotected effects. Glycosides have an impact on improving the rheological properties of blood, have a hemostatic effect. Coumarin and organic acids help with electrolyte imbalance.

Vitamin C is known to have a pronounced antispasmodic effect. Saponins and tannins inhibit the growth and reproduction of many fungi and bacteria.

Ivy extract is used in the treatment of skin lesions, as well as attacks to improve hair growth, combat skin pigmentation and, of course, in anti-cellulite programs.

Contraindications only in the case of individual reactions to the composition.


Ficus extract. Sea grapes, Ascophyllum nodosum. In fact, Ficus - Brown algae, is a storehouse of nutrients, often used for weight correction, as a source of vital trace elements, protein and vitamins.

Its composition is multicomponent and divinely harmonious. Contains polysaccharides (alginic acid, fucoidan, mannitol); phytohormones; polyphenols; chlorophyll and its derivatives; pantothenic and folic acids; vitamins C, groups B and PP; iodine, macro and microelements (aluminum, bromine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium).

The high content of iodine, specific micro and macronutrient composition of ficus contribute to the enhancement of cellular metabolism, provide drainage function, promote the most effective lipolysis and weight loss.

In addition, the extract of ficus has such properties as drainage, detoxifying; lipolytic, anti-cellulite, tissue-enhancing metabolism; improving microcirculation; regenerating; moisturizing; regulating acid-base balance and water balance in the skin and, of course, increases the elasticity and elasticity of the skin.

Baths, scrubs, rubbing and body wraps with ficus are traditionally used in complex treatment and prevention of cellulite. Ficus extract is actively used in SPA procedures as a cleansing, moisturizing, refreshing and skin tonic agent, as well as for removing toxins and excess sebum, improving blood circulation and microcirculation in tissues, reducing edema, stimulating intracellular processes, regulating fat metabolism and strengthening the skin structure.

Ficus extract is used in anti-cellulite remedies, tonics for dull, fading, dull skin, hair care products. The composition of the ficus widely improves the structure of the hair and their growth, and also strengthens the hair roots, stimulates metabolic processes in the scalp, protects against dehydration and dryness.

Indications for the use of the extract of ficus and drugs based on it in medicine are quite diverse: from diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary, respiratory and nervous systems to allergies, skin diseases, muscle pain and joint inflammation.

There are practically no contraindications to ficus, except for hyperthyroidism and increased individual sensitivity.

Ginkgo biloba extract. Ginkgo bi-lobed.

Ginkgo biloba is a relict plant that has an ancient history and exhibits incredible healing properties. His crown is crowned with leaf-like needles in the form of a fan on a thin long petiole.

The unique chemical composition of extracts of needles of ginkgo biloba includes more 100 active substances from unique triterpene lactone x s gingkolid and bilobalide (6-12%) to bioflavonoid s - quercetin, andisorhamnetin, kaempferol and flavonoid glycoside s - ginkgetin, bilobetin, myricetin (over 25%). 

The extract is rich in condensed tannins, polyprenols, amino acids and nitrogenous bases. It contains a lot of wax, catechins, steroids, cardanols and sugars. The composition of a large number of trace elements: magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, manganese, copper, titanium.

The beneficial properties for the organisms of Ginkgo biloba extract are very extensive:

  • antioxidant effect, slows the aging process of the skin and the body;
  • anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and antiviral effects;
  • reduces the activity of the blood coagulation system, reducing blood viscosity;
  • anti-thrombotic effect due to stabilization of erythrocyte and platelet membranes;
  • strengthens the vascular walls and the tone of the venous vessels and expands the lumen of the vessels, providing anti-edema effect;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism and normalizes uric acid levels in the body, exhibits an antitoxic effect, and much more.


Indications for use cosmetic preparations based on Ginkgo biloba extract:

  • tired and flabby skin anti-aging serum;
  • for fragile capillaries, anti-coperous;
  • to eliminate excess volume anti-cellulite tightening agents and wraps;
  • for hair restoration conditioners, sprays, balms and masks;
  • UV protection in the form of creams and lotions;
  • neat care, elimination of fatigue and negatives around the eyes in the periorbital zone, creams, gels and serums for the eye contour, etc.

Contraindications for the use of Ginkgo biloba extract are very scarce and can be reduced only to individual hypersensitivity to the composition of the cocktails.

And now about the main thing. All the wonderful natural extracts listed are included in one CELLU PROcocktail. The richest composition of natural active substances synergistically affects all structures of the dermis from the epidermis, the basal layer to the subcutaneous fatty tissue, the capillary network.

The rich composition of CELLU PRO stimulates skin regeneration with the consumption of large amounts of energy. Therefore, its use may cause local redness and even local increases in body temperature. This feature exhibits the properties of an indirect lipolytic that promotes the breakdown and oxidation of fatty acids.

However, CELLU PRO as a diuretic activates microcirculation and tissue trophism, providing a pronounced anti-edema and antitoxic effect.

Included the most powerful natural antioxidants CELLU PRO activate local immunity and protect newly formed cells from peroxidation by free radicals, UV and other negative factors.

The active components of CELLU PRO start the synthesis of collagens and elastins, their own hyaluronic acid, etc. This leads to the elimination of skin folds and creases, the return of elasticity and smoothness of the skin surface, the appearance of normal moisture and the appearance of healthy color.

Taking care of you!



VELUDERM, 2009 - 2022
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